QAB: Coaching Baseball
After 30+ years as a player, coach, and scout. Here's one thing I've learned about baseball. It's so mental it's mind-blowing. In this QAB: Coaching Baseball posts, my goal is
After 30+ years as a player, coach, and scout. Here's one thing I've learned about baseball. It's so mental it's mind-blowing. In this QAB: Coaching Baseball posts, my goal is
he toughest pitcher I ever faced was Roger Clemens. Looking back, I don't think it was so much his "stuff" that got me out but rather me being a 29-year-old "rookie" and him being "Roger Clemens". What did I learn from this? No matter who you face, they have to throw the ball over the plate to get you out... ...so don't let who you face dictate how you feel at the plate.
I believe there’s VERY little if any difference in a softball swing/approach compared to the baseball swing. Hitting is hitting, whether softball or baseball. Period. I hope this fastpitch softball mental
Recently, I tweeted about what I believe is The Second Biggest Mistake Ballplayers Make. Before I get into it... ...Pop Quiz! Is it easier to hit ONE pitch when you know it's