Question: How do I stop thinking so much at the plate?
Answer: Stop making it about you. 90% of hitting is who you feel when walking up to the plate.
How good you get at competing w/ confidence will dictate how far you make it in the game of baseball.
As you play at higher levels, the more you'll realize that the mental side of hitting is what will separate the good from the great...
Stop thinking so much at the plate #1
If you love your abilities but your abilities aren't showing up, it's not your abilities fault...
...it's your mind. Get it right.
There's a reason why you see guys getting drafted in the first round who never make it out of A ball while a guy who gets drafted in the 50th round plays ten years in the big leagues...
...it's because this game is so mental it's MIND-BLOWING.
Take this mental hitting advice and sit on it for a sec.
If you dream of one day playing in the big leagues, I hope this past World Series you were watching it like a ballplayer...and, not as a fan
I hope you were watching each at-bat like you're going to get an at-bat next. By watching the pitcher, anticipating what he's going to throw, hunting speeds, and seeing what he's throwing for strikes.
Watching the game like a ballplayer is a great way to get better.
This is why it's so important to be a student of the game because here's the thing...
92-94 mph looks like a water balloon when you see it 5 at-bats a day, every day. Bring that guy on.
It's the guy that can sink it and spin it and locate it. He's the tougher guy to hit.
If you haven't faced him yet...trust me. You will. And if you're not prepared, you're HOSED.
Stop thinking so much at the plate #2
How do you prepare?
You take every opportunity to study pitchers and you take notes.
I get into the NITTY, GRITTY about hunting pitches in this mental hitting pep-talk.
It's called: Keys to hunting pitches & knowing what the pitcher is going to throw.
P.S. To be a great hitter, you don't have to be great. Just be good for a long period of time.
Work on your mental game and you'll be good more often.
⚾🏆👨💻If you want to get to hitting with confidence FASTER, join over 3,000 hitters who are training their mental side of hitting, bat-speed and hitting I.Q. in the QAB Academy
Remember: I can always tell if a guy is "hitter-ish" on how he takes a pitch. or how he fouls a ball off. It's pitch recognition. It's early recognition.
I think Paul Goldsmith has unbelievable pitch recognition.
The balls like two feet out of his hand. He knows if he's going to swing or not. I was like Jose Springerman. I'd swing at everything. As soon as it left his hand, I was swinging. My advice to young hitters...look hitter-ish.
If you look hitter-ish to me, then most hitters that look hitter-ish have a very good heart beat. There's not a lot of anxiety. That's why I always talk about hitting being slow feet, fast hands, quiet head. Taking control of my own swings.

QAB Story
A while back, when I was a scout of the Diamond Backs we signed Rod Barajas. I think I told the story that we signed him for $500. This has 15 years in the big leagues. In his workout, you think that you got to hit five home runs to get signed.
Well he was the last guy to hit and it started raining.
When he got in the box, it was raining hard. He took five swings. He barreled up one ball and it was straight If you can't that, you have a shot at playing in the big leagues.up in the air.
About a seven second pop up, but it looked right and it was loose, and it was relaxed. It just looked right. We signed him. We signed him off of that one swing and he spent 15 years in the big leagues. Signed him for $500 dollars.
Everybody thinks they got to sign for a million dollars. No, you don't. No. If you get a chance to play pro baseball, get it done. If you do that, then you have a shot at playing in the big leagues.
Nobody is going to get screwed.
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