What is the most important thing you could ever say to your kid?
I get that question foten. I also get the question from baseball parents, "What are some things I can say to my player to motivate them without putting too much pressure on them".
Here's what I got.

*Remember to share your "go-to" phrase.
We all love our kids, don't we?
We'd do anything for them. They're our "little messiah".
Well - I can tell you right now, more young players quit before 13 because of the pressure that's put on them by the ones who love them the most.
An Important Baseball Hitting Principle
Baseball is the BIGGEST self-esteem destroying sport on the planet. We need to do a great job of building our players up.
This means, in the car, on the ride home from the ballpark, at the dinner table, before or after home-work - these are moments when you need to show that you care.
Watch this video & listen to me share what I believe is the MOST IMPORTANT thing you could ever tell your ballplayer.
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Reply Below: What's your #1 thing you say to help build your player up?
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1 Response to "The Most Important Thing You Could Ever Say To Your Kid."
[…] Build them up. Never let them forget that you love them and that you love watching them play. […]