Tim Hyers & Trent Mongero Conversation On Hitting
Tim Hyers & Trent Mongero Conversation On HittingA CONVERSATION ON HITTINGTIM HYERSTRENT MONGEROBIOTim Hyers is an American former professional baseball first baseman and current hitting coach for the Texas Rangers
Trent Mongero College Recruiting
Trent Mongero College RecruitingCOLLEGE BASEBALL RECRUITING@COACHMONGEROTRENT MONGEROBegin your College Recruiting JourneyYou can’t get maximum results out of small commitment. You get back from the game what you invest. Lazy players/teams
QAB Hitting For Power Course
QAB Hitting For Power CourseqAB HITTING FOR POWER@qualityatbatsSteve SpringerLet's get your Swing Right!Learning how to develop true power starts with the ability to drive the ball to all fields, taking
Hitting Drills
Hitting DrillsqAB HITTING DRILLS@qualityatbatsSteve SpringerLet's get your Swing Right!Learn how to swing with intent to do damage, taking controlled aggressive swings on pitches you're hunting.Use these drills to devlope and
Hitting Approaches
Hitting ApproachesHITTING APPROACH & mINDSET@qualityatbatsSteve SpringerLet's get your approach Right!If you love your abilities but your abilites aren't showing up, it's not your abilities fault, it's your approach, the mind
Pep Talks
Pep TalksTHE MENTAL SIDE OF HITTING@qualityatbatsSteve SpringerLet's get your Mind Right!If hitting is about confidence, the million dollar question is how do we create more confidence?We begin by working on