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The School For Mental Hitting Toughness & Approach.

Access 100+ Video & Audio Training On Mental Hitting, Batspeed
& Approach For $1!


Refuse to let yesterday's 0-4 or last week's 1-20 mindset play in today's game!

If you want to play with less tension, pressure, and anxiety and more confidence, toughness, and focus, work on your mental game!

You can start with getting access to our library of pep-talks and video tutorials guaranteed to improve your performance at the plate!


Mental Hitting discussions, stories and tips to take your mental game to the next level.

Listen To The EXACT topics that Spring talks about with major league all-stars about the mental side of hitting. Each track will be on a different mental hitting topic each month!


30+ Videos On The Most Common Hitting Mistakes & How To Fix Them.

Are you great in practice but struggle once the game starts? Tired of making the same mechanical & approach hitting mistakes?  Nip these swing viruses in the bud and start allowing your approach, swing and mentality to work for you instead of against you!!


20+ HittIng drills for batspeed, mechanics & approach.

The Exact Steps To Doubling Your Bat-Speed & Power While Increasing Your Contact Consistency & Fixing Your Swing Viruses!

You're Going To Love These Bat-Speed Hitting Drills w/ Steve Springer & Mark Brooks.


Mental Hitting discussions, stories and tips to take your mental game to the next level.

Listen To The EXACT topics that Spring talks about with major league all-stars about the mental side of hitting. Each track will be on a different mental hitting topic each month!


Hear the stories of big league ballplayers, their routines, tricks, and journey to the show. Think how a pro thinks. Learn what it's like playing pro ball.

Find out how players like David Nick, Kevin Pillar & many other professional ballplayers are making it to the next level by listening to their stories and advice.

College baseball recruiting trent mongero


Coach Mongero & Coach Springer break down the college baseball recuriting process, how to get a scholarship and the most common pitfalls to avoid while getting exposure, getting recruited and choosing a school.

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