Mental Hitting discussions, stories and tips to take your mental game to the next level.
Listen To The EXACT topics that Spring talks about with major league all-stars about the mental side of hitting. Each track will be on a different mental hitting topic each month!
Fixing Lazy Pop-Ups
30+ Videos On The Most Common Hitting Mistakes & How To Fix Them.
Are you great in practice but struggle once the game starts? Tired of making the same mechanical & approach hitting mistakes? Nip these swing viruses in the bud and start allowing your approach, swing and mentality to work for you instead of against you!!
20+ HittIng drills for batspeed, mechanics & approach.
The Exact Steps To Doubling Your Bat-Speed & Power While Increasing Your Contact Consistency & Fixing Your Swing Viruses!
You're Going To Love These Bat-Speed Hitting Drills w/ Steve Springer & Mark Brooks.
Mental Hitting discussions, stories and tips to take your mental game to the next level.
Listen To The EXACT topics that Spring talks about with major league all-stars about the mental side of hitting. Each track will be on a different mental hitting topic each month!
Hear the stories of big league ballplayers, their routines, tricks, and journey to the show. Think how a pro thinks. Learn what it's like playing pro ball.
Find out how players like David Nick, Kevin Pillar & many other professional ballplayers are making it to the next level by listening to their stories and advice.
Kenny Graham - Blue Jay Hitting Coach Interview
AJ. Pollock - MLB All-Star Interview
Randal Grichuk - 1st Round Pick Interview
Kevin Pillar - MLB All-Star
Shawn Riggans - MLB Catcher Interview
Chris Pollard - Duke University Head Coach Interview
Chris Colabello - MLB 1st 1B man Interview
Coach Mongero & Coach Springer break down the college baseball recuriting process, how to get a scholarship and the most common pitfalls to avoid while getting exposure, getting recruited and choosing a school.